DTV converter box Target

I purchased an RCA STB7766G1 electronic to analog converter box from target aided by the DTV govt voucher. Upon hooking the container to my television (small 13 inch magnavox color with dvd player) I noticed I was incapable of get channel 3 according to the instructions. After investing near an hour attempting various options with an RCA agent he eventually explained to come back the box for a far more intuitive RCA DTA800 field. Target is sold regarding all of their boxes but expects to obtain all of them in immediately. I have until 3/27 to go back it and obtain another from Target thereby applying the $40 voucher discount(I won't be able to use the voucher easily get another box at another store but) Do you believe that my decreased a channel 3 on my tv will be a problem accomodating another converter package? if target does not carry the DTA 800 box would another box work? I've rabbit ears back at my TV(I don't have cable when I never watch tv much and so wouldn't like to blow the additional $$). Everything did actually connect OK Any opinions? |
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is it your television? |
thanks a lot
EDDIEISTAZ is asking whether your TV has actually a video input (aka L1 on some designs). According to the specs for the model you listed - it has a composite A/V input on the front of the TV. You could potentially connect the digital-analog converter field to this input rather than the antenna feedback. But i'm more interested in learning your statement that you will be "unable to have station 3". So what does that mean? Will you be saying whenever you tune to channel 3, you notice no photo from converter box? |
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Quote: Originally Published by rlrl by not able to get channel 3 i intended the manual for the converter package tells you to set the television on channel 3, but my tv has only channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 and some numbered stations after that but 3 cannot show up at all, it skips from 2 to 4. when i tried to add channel 3 regarding the television 3 wasn't open to add (only went from 2 to 4) It feels like the television did some type of scan when you install it, and just uses the channels so it found a signal on at that moment. I guarantee that your particular television is capable of tuning in station 3... decide to try performing a channel scan in the TV whilst the converter field is switched on. That function should be someplace in the menu system of the television, probably on a "setup" sub-menu or something like that. |
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